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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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accesskey-p-logo (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-preferences-save (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-preview (talk) (Translate) p
accesskey-pt-anoncontribs (talk) (Translate) y
accesskey-pt-anontalk (talk) (Translate) n
accesskey-pt-anonuserpage (talk) (Translate) .
accesskey-pt-createaccount (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-pt-login (talk) (Translate) o
accesskey-pt-login-private (talk) (Translate) o
accesskey-pt-logout (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-pt-mycontris (talk) (Translate) y
accesskey-pt-mytalk (talk) (Translate) n
accesskey-pt-preferences (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-pt-userpage (talk) (Translate) .
accesskey-pt-watchlist (talk) (Translate) l
accesskey-publish (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-save (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-search (talk) (Translate) f
accesskey-search-fulltext (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-search-go (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-summary (talk) (Translate) b
accesskey-t-contributions (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-t-emailuser (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-t-info (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-t-permalink (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-t-print (talk) (Translate) p
accesskey-t-recentchangeslinked (talk) (Translate) k
accesskey-t-specialpages (talk) (Translate) q
accesskey-t-upload (talk) (Translate) u
accesskey-t-whatlinkshere (talk) (Translate) j
accesskey-upload (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-userrights-set (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-watch (talk) (Translate) w
accesskey-watchlist-expiry (talk) (Translate)  
accesskey-watchlistedit-normal-submit (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-watchlistedit-raw-submit (talk) (Translate) s
accesskey-wikieditor-realtimepreview (talk) (Translate) )
accmailtext (talk) (Translate) A randomly generated password for [[User talk:$1|$1]] has been sent to $2. It can be changed on the <em>[[Special:ChangePassword|change password]]</em> page upon logging in.
accmailtitle (talk) (Translate) Password sent
accountcreated (talk) (Translate) Account created
accountcreatedtext (talk) (Translate) The user account for [[{{ns:User}}:$1|$1]] ([[{{ns:User talk}}:$1|talk]]) has been created.
acct_creation_throttle_hit (talk) (Translate) Visitors to this wiki using your IP address have created {{PLURAL:$1|1 account|$1 accounts}} in the last $2, which is the maximum allowed in this time period. As a result, visitors using this IP address cannot create any more accounts at the moment.
action-apihighlimits (talk) (Translate) use higher limits in API queries
action-applychangetags (talk) (Translate) apply tags along with your changes
action-autoconfirmed (talk) (Translate) not be affected by IP-based rate limits
action-autocreateaccount (talk) (Translate) automatically create this external user account
action-autopatrol (talk) (Translate) have your edit marked as patrolled
action-bigdelete (talk) (Translate) delete pages with large histories
action-block (talk) (Translate) block or unblock this user from editing
action-blockemail (talk) (Translate) block or unblock a user from sending email
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