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Module:Infobox Stop

From OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Place Wiki
Revision as of 01:45, 9 December 2024 by TickoGrey (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local capiunto = require 'capiunto' local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local headerStyle if args.headerstyle and args.headerstyle ~= '' then headerStyle = string.format('background-color:%s;', args.headerstyle) else headerStyle = 'background-color:grey;' end local retval = capiunto.create( { title = args.title, headerStyle = headerStyle, } ) :addImage( args.image, args.caption ) :addHeader( 'Adjacent Stops' ) -- W...")
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox Stop/doc

local capiunto = require 'capiunto'

local p = {}

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local headerStyle
	if args.headerstyle and args.headerstyle ~= '' then
		headerStyle = string.format('background-color:%s;', args.headerstyle)
		headerStyle = 'background-color:grey;'
	local retval = capiunto.create( {
		title = args.title,
		headerStyle = headerStyle, 
	} )
	:addImage( args.image, args.caption )
	:addHeader( 'Adjacent Stops' )
	-- Will have a stops template here
	:addHeader( 'Routes' )
	-- Will have a routes template here
	:addHeader( 'Stop facts' )
	:addRow( 'Stop model', args.model )
	:addRow( 'Destination board', args.destboard )
	:addRow( 'Two Way', args.twoway )
	:addRow( 'Dispatch abberviation', args.abbrv )
	return retval

return p